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Using a Corpus

So far, we have been operating on a Dataset which represents a single split of our data. Recon's Corpus container allows us to work with our full train/dev/test split by managing a separate Dataset for each split. The Corpus handles either 2 (train, dev) or 3 (train, dev, test) Datasets. If you happen to split up your data in some other way, you may need to just manage the lower level Dataset for each split on your own.

Recon's Corpus class provides the same apply method as Dataset that accepts an Operation. S

Update script to use Dataset.apply

Let's edit that file you created in the previous step to utilize the Corpus.apply method.

from pathlib import Path

import typer

from recon import Corpus

def main(data_dir: Path):
    corpus = Corpus.from_disk(data_dir)
    res = corpus.apply("recon.v1.get_ner_stats")
    for name, stats in res.items():
        print("=" * 50)

if __name__ == "__main__":

Run the application

Now, if you run your script you should get the following output:

$ python ./examples/data

Analyzing the results

Now that we have a good understanding of the distribution of labels in across our train/dev/test split as well as the summation of all those numbers to the "all" data, we can start to see some issues.

1. Not enough JOB_ROLE annotations

We clearly don't have enough annotations of the JOB_ROLE in our data. There's no way an NER model could learn to capture JOB_ROLE in a generic way with only 8 total annotations.

2. Barely enough PRODUCT annotations

We're also a little low (though not nearly as much) on our PRODUCT label.

What to do from here

We want our final model to be equally good at extracting these 3 labels of SKILL, PRODUCT and JOB_ROLE so we now know exactly where to invest more time in our annotations effort: getting more examples of JOB_ROLE and PRODUCT.

Next Steps

We've only scratched the surface of Recon. It's great to have these global stats about our dataset so we can make sure we're trending in the right direction as we annotate more data. But this information doesn't help us debug the data we already have.

For example, 34 of our 191 SKILL annotations in our train set might actually be instances where JOB_ROLE or PRODUCT is more appropriate.

Or, we might have subsets of our data annotated by different people that had a slightly different understanding of the annotation requirements (or just made a couple mistakes), creating disparities in the final dataset.

In the next step of this tutorial we'll put away the toy skills dataset and take a look at the widely used Conll 2003 Benchmark Dataset. We'll use Recon to find and correct errors in the original dataset and publish our new and improved Conll 2003 dataset.